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Monday, April 18, 2022

 Walking on fire

Why in the world would anyone want to walk on fire? In fact many ask "What the hell are you thinking? That is crazy!". In fact, that is the response I got from almost everyone I told that I wanted to and was going to walk on fire.  Others, well let's just say they were skeptical at best. Not many believers out there these days I guess.

In fact, you might be saying the same or close to the same thing.  WTH are you thinking?

What I was thinking was what a rush, what an accomplishment, and what a game-changer.  I tell clients to challenge their beliefs, try new things to get better results.  Take action on the things that cause them to hold back.  Fears they have, ideas that prevent them from moving into greatness. My job as a business coach is to help people face and overcome those limiting beliefs that are holding them back.

So what does this have to do with walking on fire?  Here it is... I am so scared of fire it isn't funny.  As a young boy, I had a scary experience with fire.  I was trying to help my dad light the hot water heater in the basement. (gas fed). At 10 years old I had yet to understand how gas and flames work, I just knew that dad couldn't fit in the crawlspace to relight the heater and I wanted to help.  "I can do it Dad, I can fit, let me!" I exclaimed.  So he let me and told me to turn the lever to pilot light and then take this big long  (lit) match and place it on the pilot light. After a few failed attempts to light the pilot frustration set in and my 10-year-old brain said, "just turn up the gas, that should help" so I turned the lever up to on and proceeded to light the heater.

Well, you can imagine the result, gas flooded the small area under the heater and as soon as I moved the lit match close... WOOOOOOM!!!  Flames shot out and flashed back and burned all of my eyelashes, brows, and some of the hair on my head off, and flash burned my face and neck.  Thankfully my reaction was to shut my eyes and my sight was unaffected.  Why do I tell you this?  Because I was deathly afraid of fire after that.  I had a fascination but overwhelming fear of fire.

What are you afraid of?   What scares the shit out of you?  Bugs, Spiders, water, speaking in public? Whatever it is the ONLY way to overcome or get past that fear is to do it.  Bottom line, you have to face your fear and do it anyway!  It is mind over the issue and a focus on the goal. Knowing what you want is critical when you are setting out to accomplish something. 

You must catch that bug, kill that spider (not that I’m about killing anything), jump in the water, get up in front of the group and share that idea or speech. Take that chance, make something happen.  Do it NOW!!!  The first commandment of Coach Rick’s 12 Common Sense Commandments for Success. That leads to rule number two,  If not now… WHEN?

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is the founder of the Peak Performance Group, a leadership, Sales and team development company.  He is also the author of Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To Work as well as an expert on designing strategies for companies. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or



Wednesday, January 2, 2019

An Attitude of Gratitude

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”   Ralph Waldo Emerson

In other words, for your wellness and highest good, and for the good of all, start and end each day with a grateful heart. It makes such a difference in raising your energy level, along with that of the person or thing you are thankful for. It truly brings blessings to the world.

A great gratitude “tool” is keeping a gratitude journal. Just before going to sleep, write, say three things or events you are grateful for that day. Then while you sleep, your subconscious and your brain will be focusing on those positive thoughts, rather than negative ones. When you wake up in the morning, probably after a good night’s sleep, thanks to your gratitude, thank your bed for having provided you with a cosy resting place for the night, and whatever else you would like to give thanks to, so as to start your day in the positive energy of gratitude.
Everything in this world is comprised of energy and you receive according to the frequency you transmit. So, when you are grateful, you create opportunities for things to come your way for which you can be grateful. Studies have shown that people who adopt an attitude of gratitude tend to be happier and healthier. In turn, happier and healthier people are attracted into your life, with whom you have deeper relationships.
There are so many things to be thankful for, and while you are focusing on these things you mind will not allow you to look for the things that you feel like you may be lacking. Negative thoughts withdraw to the background and eventually don’t come up on your radar.
This is encouraging when considering the end of year holiday season. At this time, we see much beauty and evidence of things for which to be grateful. However, the holiday can be stressful, exhausting and lonely for many people. For those who exercise gratitude on a regular basis, it can be a positive period.

We’ve seen how gratitude makes you happier and healthier, which in turn affects the central nervous system. As a result, you become more peaceful, reacting less to situations and people. You get on better with others, having closer and deeper relationships. It is evident how this would lead to a more pleasurable end of year holiday.

To conclude, let’s consider the words of John F. Kennedy:

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them." This is a positive mantra for not only the holiday season but all year long.

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is the founder of the Peak Performance Group, a leadership and team development company.  He is also the author of Roll Up Your Sleeves & Get To Work.  He helps people design a life strategy for success. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Secret To Everything

The secret to everything!
Now that the holidays are gone, it’s a good time to look back, see all the things we can be thankful for and focus on the meaning of giving thanks and how it can affect your life. It is a simple word that can change your day in an instant. It can make your day better when you hear it from the lady you help to carry her grocery bags, or when you say it with a smile as someone holds a door for you.

This feeling is a part of human nature, and it is so common that it is often simply ignored. It can be said mechanically without even thinking about its importance. However, a thank you should never be said mechanically, but it should be said from the heart. In the same way, it should not be taken for granted, something that you know should be said, but as something that has been given with the purest intentions. This is a powerful feeling that should be taken into account many times during your everyday life.

Besides the everyday life, a thank you is often said at the workplace. It has the purpose to help employees bond and to help employers express their gratitude. However, there are many companies where people do not understand the true meaning of a real thank you, and therefore many problems start to appear. These companies forget the importance of these two simple words. This begins a slow decline in motivation and employee satisfaction. Turning this around can happen with an acceptance of this simple gesture.  This way they will have more chances to stand out from the competition and ultimately find success. After all, employees need to work in a peaceful environment where they can reach their full potential.

If you own a company, you should try this as soon as possible. You will see that you can easily change the external perception about the workplace you have to offer. An honest thank you causes zero harm, but it will show appreciation and help you motivate your employees. This, in turn, provides an environment where they can perform a better quality job. The most effective way is to apply the power of example. This means that you will have to express your gratitude each time it is warranted or whenever you feel that it is necessary. This, in turn, people will feel appreciated and that their work makes a difference, which keeps them motivated and they will put more into the job. As you can see, this does not require much time or effort, and it drives the organization to become more successful.

Once a person hears a thank you said from the heart, he/she will have a different view regarding the world. After all, people appreciate when someone recognizes their effort. There are many who believe that money represents the gratitude of a company, but this is not true. Money does not have anything in common with the deep emotions transmitted with the help of a true thank you said from the heart. Who will you thank today?

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is a certified business/life coach, the author of Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To Work as well as an expert on developing leaders and designing strategy for companies. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The BALD TRUTH - Work/Life balance is B*LLSH*!

There’s been a lot of talk and discussion over the past few decades about the work life balance, and today we have companies that provide training in this area and basically teach us a lot of stuff that sounds great but has little to do with reality. So, are we helpless? Is there any way we can achieve a perfect work life balance, perform in our careers and still manage to spend time with our family? Oh, but there is. Of course, at first the “I don’t know what to do” kicks in and we find ourselves trapped in between what we must do, what we have to and what we actually want to do.

Of course, the most important thing is how you approach the situation, how you position yourself in relationship to it and afterwards what you do about it. There’s this powerful saying I agree with completely that says “No man is trapped except in his own mind”. So let’s set things straight and get you out of this mess.

First of all, you need to take a few steps back and look at it from up above, because when work life balance is messed up, you’ve gotten yourself in a little too many details. What is your dream? What do you want to do with your life? What is your true, deep inside calling? This is the starting point and you need to take some time to answer it.

Don’t worry, it will come to you and you will know. Then do a right and rigorous self-assessment of yourself.  What is really important to you? What are the things in your life you couldn’t do without? What are your values? What are the guidelines you have set for your life? Take some time to think about what truly matters for yourself. After you’ve got your answers about your dream, your calling, and your truest values, it’s time to look at your job. Are we talking about the right job fit here? They say that one who loves his work will not work a single day in his life.

Are you that one? Be honest to yourself and at the same time take your time. It’s the perfect time to slow down just a notch, now that things are beginning to look more clear and everything is more obvious and out there. Now it’s time for the right focus to kick in. Start to focus on the things that matter, the things you love to do, focus on your dream, focus on your inner peace and happiness. In the end, these are the things that matter the most.

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is a certified business/life coach, the author of Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To Work as well as an expert on developing leaders and designing strategy for companies. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The BALD TRUTH - Thank You From the Heart

“Thank you” from the heart

Now that Thanksgiving is gone, it’s a good time to focus on the meaning of giving thanks and how it can affect your life. It is a simple word that can change your day in an instant. It can make your day better when you hear it from the lady you help to carry her grocery bags, or when you say it with a smile as someone holds a door for you.

This feeling is a part of human nature, and it is so common that it is often simply ignored. It can be said mechanically without even thinking about its importance. However, a thank you should never be said mechanically, but it should be said from the heart. In the same way, it should not be taken for granted, something that you know should be said, but as something that has been given with the purest intentions. This is a powerful feeling that should be taken into account many times during your everyday life.

Besides the everyday life, a thank you is often said at the work place. It has the purpose to help employees bond and to help employers express their gratitude. However, there are many companies where people do not understand the true meaning of a real thank you, and therefore many problems start to appear. These companies forget the importance of these two simple words. This begins a slow decline in motivation and employee satisfaction. Turning this around can happen with a acceptance of this simple gesture.  This way they will have more chances to stand out from the competition and ultimately find success. After all, employees need to work in a peaceful environment where they can reach their full potential.

If you own a company, you should try this as soon as possible. You will see that you can easily change the external perception about the work place you have to offer. An honest thank you  causes zero harm, but it will show appreciation and help you motivate your employees. This in turn provides an environment where they can perform a better quality job. The most effective way is to apply the power of example. This means that you will have to express your gratitude each time it is warranted or whenever you feel that it is necessary. This in turn people will feel appreciated and that their work makes a difference, which keeps them motivated and they will put more into the job. As you can see, this does not require much time or effort, and it drives the organization to become more successful.

Once a person hears a thank you, said from the heart, he/she will have a different view regarding the world. After all, people appreciate when someone recognizes their effort. There are many who believe that money represents the gratitude of a company, but this is not true. Money does not have anything in common with the deep emotions transmitted with the help of a true thank you said from the heart. 

Who will you thank today?

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is a certified business/life coach, the author of Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To Work as well as an expert on developing leaders and designing strategy for companies. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The BALD TRUTH - Planing to fail? Your call!

Planning to fail.  Your call.

We talked about the three killers of a business.  Number one is lack of cash flow.  Number two is poor leadership and now lets talk about number three:  LACK OF A STRATEGIC PLAN

Strategic Planning
People dont plan to fail, they fail to plan.

Businesses succeed and fail for many different reasons. It might be your commitment to getting out there every day, a new product or service, great marketing, consumer demand and maybe even luck are all a part of the reasons.  All of these contribute to whether a business makes it or fails.  Knowing your vision and mission (why) and designing your strategies to accomplish them (how) are both a part of the strategic plan.

Why should you have a strategic plan?  Here is the reason. Without a plan you will be flying without a rudder and trying anything that is presented to you to make your business grow. As a business owner you will be bombarded with marketing and sales ideas from every conceivable direction. Each one touting it is the best way to grow your business.  To that I say BS!

Do they even understand your business?  Do they know your WHY? Probably NOT! So why would you allow they to tell you how to run your business yet business owners do it every day. Having a strategic plan will give you direction and allow you to make decisions about your business that are in sync with your vision.

What is the process of strategic planning?  It looks simple yet takes time to create.  The components are:

1.    Vison
a.    Why are you in business?  This is your big picture of your potential as a business. This defines the purpose of the company and the plan. It might be called the “quest” of your company. What is your company Why? Do you know it?
2.    Values:
a.    These are foundational to how you will make decisions.  They lay to ethical ground work for your company and its future. This will define the basic beliefs your company, or what your company is committed to. Does your company have clearly defined values?
3.    Mission
a.    A mission statement transforms the vision into specific actions that are necessary to achieve the vision. The mission statement defines and says what you want to achieve in a specific time frame. This gives direction to all in your company and keeps them on track.
4.    Critical Success Factors
a.    These are the meat and potatoes of the plan.  The tactical areas that must be addressed to be successful. They are broad areas such as: Cash flow, marketing, new product development, product quality, customer service. The list can be long. What are your top 3-5 areas that need to be addressed?
5.    Goals
a.    Each area that you come up with will have to have specific measurable goals. This gets you into action.

The plan will also include market research, a SLOT analysis, Sales plan and financial budgets.  Bottom line, if you want to assure your business will have a better chance to grow and prosper.  Design a plan for the future. Call us today.

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is a certified business/life coach, the author of Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To Work as well as an expert on developing leaders and designing strategy for companies. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The BALD TRUTH - Are you using protection?

Every day businesses and business owners are susceptible to many attacks and challenges that could devastate their hard work and livelihood.  Are you one of those businesses or owners? A survey by Forbes Magazine showed some interesting facts:  Over 500,000 new businesses are started each month. Almost 40% of these small businesses never make it to their second anniversary. Yet another 55% never make it past 5 years. Only about 1/3rd make it to 10 years. Why?

Three main killers of a businesses
1.    Lack of cash flow
2.    Poor leadership and customer service
3.    Lack of a strategic plan

Over the next few months I will address each of these three major challenges that business leaders fail to protect themselves from and will kill a business.

Lack of Cash flow.
Starting a new venture takes a bunch of things, one of which is a basic knowledge of business and how to sell your product or service.  Over the past 11 years I have been working with clients to create sustainable and profitable businesses I have found that this is the thing that will kill a business.  So you are probably asking yourself, how this relates to the 3 killers of a business.

Bottom line, no sales, no cash flow, no cash flow, no business. Simple but true.  So often a client has made the decision to step out, start a business based on their technical expertise and has yet to learn how to sell what they do. They also start without enough capital in reserve.  Result.  FAIL!  It has been said and I believe that nothing happens until a sale is made.  If no one is selling, I can guarantee tis, no one is buying. 
Ok how does lack of cash flow kill a business?  I have learned that cash flow is king and with a consistent flow of cash into a business there is hope. Now if it is a negative cash flow, there is a challenge for sure. When I opened my first restaurant in 1981 we did everything on a shoestring and were literally taking from Peter to pay Paul. What does that mean? What it means is we used cash flow to pay immediate critical bills (electric and staff) while others  (beer and food vendors) we used float time to let our cash reserves replenish to take care of other these less critical expenses. My partner and I became known as the kings of the float.

We would pack the bar out on Thursday Friday and Saturday with happy hour and late night biz.   What that means is we would always write checks late on Friday to the beer and food vendors knowing they would wait until Monday to deposit, giving us three days to use the cash flow and float to keep us going.  Now this just was used as a strategy as we started, once we established the business and we began to see positive cash flow, things smoothed out.  Still I learned that cash flow is king.

So to protect your business, focus first on your cash flow and protect it like a chastity belt protects a virgin. But that's something for another time.  Until next month protect your business and remember cash flow is king.

Coach Rick Kolster, CBC is a certified business/life coach, the author of Selling for Geniuses and Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To Work as well as a motivational speaker on personal growth. He can be contacted at 817-748-7425 or