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Thursday, January 24, 2013


"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." -Thomas Jefferson

Principles are the foundation on which you should stand. A leaders principles (values) are clear and non-negotiable. They know what they stand for and what they will stand from others.

Are your principles clear? Do people know what you stand for? If not... Why not? Make it a priority to define your principle and then let people you lead know what they are.

I have four basic principles I have instilled into my children.
  1. Respect for others, show it and give it.    
  2. Honesty, be honest in all you do.    
  3. Integrity, keep your word    
  4. Communication, it must be open and truthful.

My children and the people I lead, know what is important and what I expect. In turn they know what to expect from me. This makes life so much simpler and less stressful.

What are your principles? Define them today!

Coach Rick Kolster is an executive coach who works with executives and business owners to help them gain life balance and learn how they can be the best leader they can be.

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