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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Attitude the difference maker


One key word that can make all the difference in how you live your life.  For years I have known that my attitude determines how I act.  But let’s take a look at how and where our attitudes are developed.  Attitudes have been said to be developed at a very young age.  In fact research has shown that most of our attitudes (up to 95%) are developed before the age of 5.  WOW!! 5 years old and we have most of our core attitudes and beliefs set.

Now what are attitudes?  I define attitudes as the way we think, or “habits of thought”.  What we think about is the way we will act or our personality.  Ask yourself, have you ever met someone with a poor or terrible attitude and a GREAT personality? Probably not.  If a person has a great attitude the likely hood is that they will have a great personality and they are someone you want to be around.  Conversely when someone has mostly negative thoughts their outward “personality” is probably negative as well.  Personality is that outer expression of our inner attitudes. What I’m basically trying to say is that there is a direct link between the way we think and the way we behave. Can you accept that link?

So how do we achieve all we can?   By changing the inner thoughts of our mind!  William James who is recognized as the Father of American Psychology once said “  "The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."

The end result of all this is: If you want to use more of your potential and resources more creatively and profitably, you've got to begin by developing the attitudes that affect that kind of behavior.

Think about this… most of our basic attitudes are more negative than they are positive. People tend to think more often about what’s going to go wrong or how they are going to fail, than what is right and what their potential is for success.  Do ya think?   So now how do we achieve more and use more of our potential?  We do it by changing our thought patterns.  Zig Zigler says “you have to change that stinkin’ thinkin’.”  Put more positive in and you will get more positive out!

The term GIGO is one used in the computer industry.  It means: garbage in-garbage out.  You get out what goes in.  Start today to put more positive in your mind.  Turn off the TV, Radio, put down the newspaper, close the chapter on gossip.  Now try this:
Listen or read 15 -30 minutes each day of a positive message.  In your car, at home, at work where ever you may be.  Start today to make what you think about is posistve all the time.  This will help to prevent those negative thoughts and can’t of your life that invade our brains every day.

Make today a positive day, put in that CD, read that positive book, look for an inspirational message and see how this can change your life.  I wish all the best in your journey to live a better more fulfilled life both personally and professionally.